Événement passés
Catch up on our activities from previous years!
Previous Annual Symposiums

CNPN 2024
The 15th annual symposium, From Peak to Peak, was held in Whistler, BC, in November 2024

CNPN 2023
The 14th annual symposium, Pushing Omics To One Health, was held in Regina, SK, in May 2023

CNPN 2021
The 12th annual symposium, Proteomics for Life, was held virtually in May 2021.

CNPN 2020
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CNPN 2020 annual symposium was cancelled. It was an unfortunate outcome, but one that we take in solidarity and support of ourselves, our colleagues, the medical community, and our loved ones. Thank you for your enthusiasm and dedication this year and in years to come.

CNPN 2019
The 11th annual symposium, Beyond the Frontiers of Biology, was held in Quebec City, QC, in May 2019.

CNPN 2018
The 10th annual symposium, Proteomics-from Sea to Ski, was held in Vancouver, BC, in May 2018.

CNPN 2017
The 9th annual symposium, Functional Organization of the Human Proteome, was held in Toronto, ON, in April 2017.

CNPN 2016
The 8th annual symposium, Proteomics Advances in Health and Diseases, was held in Montreal, QC, in April 2016.

CNPN 2014
The 6th annual symposium, Proteome Dynamics in Health and Diseases, was in Montreal, QC, in April 2014.

CNPN 2013
The 5th annual symposium, Can Proteomics Fill the Gap Between Genomics and Phenotypes?, was held in Vancouver, BC, in April 2013.

CNPN 2012
The 4th annual symposium, Proteomics: from protein structures to clinical applications, was held in Toronto, ON, in April 2012.

CNPN 2011
The 3rd annual symposium and 5th International Symposium on Enabling Technologies for Proteomics were held together in Banff, AB, in May 2011.

CNPN 2010
The 2nd annual symposium, New Frontiers in Proteomic Research, was a joint conference with Genome Quebec held in Montreal, QC, in May 2010.

CNPN 2009
The 1st annual symposium, Advancing Canadian Proteome Research into Human Health, was held in Toronto, ON, in September 2009.
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