
Recognizing the strides and achievements
of proteomics researchers.

Recognizing the strides
and achievements of proteomics

Recognizing the strides and achievements of proteomics researchers.

The 2024 Tony Pawson Proteomics Award and New Investigator Award are sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Tony Pawson Proteomics Award 2024

The CNPN – Tony Pawson Proteomics Award recognizes remarkable achievements in the fundamental understanding and/or practice of proteomics in biological sciences. Formerly called the “CNPN Distinguished Researcher Award”, the award was renamed in 2014 in recognition of the seminal contributions to the proteomics field of one of the most influential Canadian scientists of all time, the late Prof. Tony Pawson who received the CNPN award in 2013.

Past recipients of the award are: Brian Raught (2023), Leonard Foster (2022), Daniel Figeys (2021), Anne-Claude Gingras (2020), Jennifer Van Eyk (2019), Gilles Lajoie (2018), Pierre Thibault (2017), Michael D. Tyers (2016), Guy Poirier (2015), Christopher Overall (2014), Tony Pawson (2013), Michel Desjardins (2012), Jack Greenblatt (2011) and John Bergeron (2010).


Nominations are open for the 2024 Award (self-nominations are permitted). The award will be presented at the CNPN annual meeting, held in Whistler, British Columbia from Nov. 17-20, 2024. Please see the website for details. The awardee will present a 20 min lecture on their research/career progression and receive an award consisting of a trophy and a $2000 prize.

Applicant Eligibility

  • The applicant must be a Canadian citizen and/or work at a Canadian Institution at the time of application
  • The applicant must be able to receive the award and present a lecture at the 2024 CNPN meeting

How to apply

The candidate or sponsor must submit a complete pdf application to before August 31st, 2024.
The application should consist of:

  • A cover letter (max. 2 pages) briefly describing why the nominee is appropriate for the award; this should include names and email addresses of three supporters who may be contacted by the review committee.
  • A short CV (max. 6 pages) highlighting the nominees most significant achievements.
  • A paragraph suitable for publication on the CNPN website and in the program of the CNPN meeting (see
  • A high-resolution photo for inclusion on the CNPN website and program of the CNPN meeting.

The pdf file and the email header should read: CNPN2024_Pawson_Award_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. The successful applicant will be notified by September 20th, 2024.

Dr. Mike Moran


Dr. Michael F. Moran holds scientist positions at Hospital for Sick Children and Princess Margaret Cancer Centre. He is full professor of molecular genetics at University of Toronto, where he was granted tenure in 1995. Dr. Moran trained in biochemistry at University of Western Ontario and then molecular biology at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto. During an extended sabbatical leave (2000-04), with
colleagues in Toronto and Europe, he helped start and served as chief scientific officer at MDS Proteomics Inc., which injected more than $135-million into an emerging proteomics biotechnology sector. Dr. Moran’s research has benefited from numerous basic, clinical, and industrial collaborations, and addressed molecular mechanisms governing fundamental cellular processes such as cell proliferation, signal transduction, and metabolism. His group uses mass spectrometry along with molecular, cellular, and computational methods in order to discover and understand molecular signatures associated with complex phenotypes. He is a devoted cancer researcher, mentor, and collaborator funded by various government and private provincial and national granting agencies.

New Investigator Award 2024

The CNPN – New Investigator Award is a recent initiative of the CNPN to recognize the contributions of an outstanding early career researcher to the fundamental understanding and/or practice of proteomics in the biological sciences. This award will help new investigators gain visibility in the field and encourage early-stage Investigators to consider how proteomics may be used in their research.

Past recipients of the award are: Mathieu Lavallée-Adam (2023), Jennifer Geddes-McAlister (2022), Hannes Roest (2021), Jean-Philippe Lambert (2020).

Dr. Marie Brunet

Université de Sherbrooke

Pr. Brunet qualified as a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (Paris, France) and later completed her PhD in Pharmacology at the University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK) under a prestigious Gates Cambridge scholarship. She did her postdoctoral training in Biochemistry and Functional Genomics at the University of Sherbrooke (Sherbrooke, Canada) and, in 2021 she established her own research group at the Medical Genetics Service of the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Sherbrooke. During her postdoctoral studies she co-developed and managed the OpenProt resource, the first proteogenomics resource endorsing a polycistronic annotation of eukaryotic genomes. OpenProt is now co-led and co-developed by her lab and that of Pr Roucou. Beyond OpenProt, her research focuses on non-annotated coding sequences in our genomes, notably within pseudogenes. She uses both fundamental and computational research methods to better explore
biological data and understand human diseases, focusing on pediatric cancers and rare diseases. She was awarded a FRQS Junior 1 career grant recognizing her leadership at the intersection of health sciences and artificial intelligence.

Nominations are open for the 2024 Award (self-nominations are permitted). The award will be presented at the CNPN annual meeting, held in Whistler, British Columbia from Nov. 17-20, 2024. Please see the website for details. The awardee will present a 20 min lecture on their research/career progression and receive an award consisting of a trophy and a $2000 prize.

Applicant Eligibility

  • The applicant must be a Canadian citizen and/or work at a Canadian Institution at the time of application
  • The applicant must be able to receive the award and present a lecture at the 2024 CNPN meeting
  • The applicant will be within the first 6 years of their independent appointment (with consideration for leaves of absence in accordance with CIHR guidelines)

How to apply

The candidate or sponsor must submit a complete pdf application to before August 31st, 2024.
The application should consist of:

  • A cover letter (max. 2 pages) briefly describing why the nominee is appropriate for the award; this should include names and email addresses of three supporters who may be contacted by the review committee.
  • A short CV (max. 6 pages) highlighting the nominees most significant achievements.
  • A paragraph suitable for publication on the CNPN website and in the program of the CNPN meeting (see for past recipients).
  • A high-resolution photo for inclusion on the CNPN website and program of the CNPN meeting.

The pdf file and the email header should read: CNPN2024_New_Investigator_Award_LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. The successful applicant will be notified by September 20th, 2024.

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